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Super Bowl 54 will soon be upon us. The kick-off will take place in Miami, Florida on February 2, 2020. Super Bowl weekend is one of the most anticipated events of the year, not only for the action on the field but for the many parties that take place during the entire weekend. We at RoadGuard Interlock, LLC (DUI) encourage you to party safely and remember, “Don’t drink and drive!”

How Many Beers Can You Drink and Drive?

A lot of people ask, “How many beers can you drink and drive safely on?” when searching for drink and drive facts. Although there are charts that attempt to break it down by weight and what you drink, no alcohol is the only safe amount when it comes to driving. Alcohol impairs your ability to drive safely, even after just one drink.

However, since 1988 when President Clinton set the national legal limit at BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) of .08, you are putting yourself at risk by attempting to drive based on estimations. Most people who drink even one beer can be legally impaired if they get behind the wheel. Even if you do not feel drunk, you could still experience a lot of effects that will limit your ability to drive safely. These include:

  • Visual Impairments
  • Lower Response/Reaction Times
  • Impaired Coordination
  • Lack of Concentration
  • Loss of Speed Control

These declines begin as soon as you take the first sip of beer and get worse with each subsequent swallow.

A safer way to handle your upcoming Super Bowl party is to play it safe and don’t take a chance with your life or others.

Vehicle Requirements for Interlocks

Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk-Ever!

Before your party, it is important that you know the drink and drive facts and that you and your friends don’t drink and drive. It could save your life and that of your friends. Make a plan that you can stick to before kick-off takes place. You can:

  • Encourage at least one designated driver. Did you know that as a designated driver you can get your name on the Hall of Fame by tweeting @NHTSAgov hashtag #designateddriver?
  • Have a non-drinker hold key. Even if the non-drinker doesn’t want to give rides all night, they can be responsible for helping others get home safely with ride-sharing options or public transportation.
  • Encourage party-goers to drink responsibly. Snacks and pacing themselves will go a long way in ensuring the party stays fun for everyone.
  • Know the rules of game day! The Super Bowl is for every fan of every age. Do not give alcohol to minors, do not allow friends to drive after drinking, and remember that your best offense is always having a good defense in place!

Listen to the advice of NHTSA. “Fans don’t let fans drive drunk.” During the Super Bowl and all year long, truer words have never been said.

Everyone Can be a Team Player

We encourage you to have a fantastic time during your Super Bowl 54 parties, whether you are partying at home with friends or attending the game in Miami, Florida. If you are interested in learning more about how to prevent drunk driving and how to drink responsibly, you can check out our other blog posts.

Remember, no one ever comes out a winner when they combine alcohol and driving. We see it every day. People feel that they can drive while buzzed and then need an ignition interlock device because of their mistakes.

If you are planning to party as hard as Super Bowl usually requires, RoadGuard Interlock encourages you to not drink and drive.

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