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Ahhh… the Fall. The most magical time of the year for football fans. A time of hope, no matter where you reside. Football brings tailgates, barbecues, cheers, and of course, disagreements with your buddies who aren’t rooting for the same team as you.

Here at RoadGuard Interlock, we want to help you have fun by alleviating doubt and worry from your festive game atmosphere. Think of us as a friendly offensive coordinator helping you know when to call an audible. We’re here to help all football fans drink responsibly!

Here are a few sobering facts to keep in mind during the game:

  • According to a study conducted by the University of Minnesota, fans under 35 are nine times more likely to leave a stadium above the limit of 0.08.
  • In a report published by the New England Journal of Medicine, fatalities rise 41% in the hours after the big game.
  • The cost of a DUI charge varies from state to state, but this insurance company estimates an average cost of nearly $9,000 for a first-time offense.

Not even the best quarterback can spot every blitz coming, but our ignition interlock devices (IID) help you to drive safely by letting you know you are over the legal limit. The process is fast and the device is connected directly to your vehicle’s ignition system. Simply turn your key or press start and the device will power up. Take a deep breath then blow. When the display shows “Test Passed” start your engine and go! If your breath alcohol concentration (BAC) exceeds the specified legal limit, the ignition interlock device temporarily prevents your vehicle from starting, saving you from endangering yourself and others. Call the right play this season and every season, drink responsibly. If you are required to obtain an ignition interlock device, let RoadGuard Interlock be your coach.


*Links to any third-party websites herein are provided for your reference and convenience only. RoadGuard Interlock did not create nor develop and does not own any such third-party websites. RoadGuard Interlock does not endorse nor support the content of, nor any opinions stated in any such third-party website links. RoadGuard Interlock is not responsible for the content of any third-party website or its accuracy or reliability. Nothing contained in this article or in any such third-party website shall be considered legal advice or be deemed to constitute legal advice. For any legal advice concerning a DUI arrest, charge, conviction, or consequences thereof, you should contact an attorney of your choice.