States With Most DUI Offenders

Did you know, just over 2% of drivers have a DUI offense Nationwide? North Dakota is the state with most DUIs; nearly 6% of licensed drivers have a prior DUI. Wyoming comes in at a close second. The top 10 states with the most DUIs show a correlation between high DUI rates and low population.

Impaired drivers play a role in fatalities in all states. Every 50 minutes, there is an alcohol-related driving fatality in the U.S. Some states, like Utah and Arizona, lead the nation in strict drunk driving laws. Other states, like North Dakota and Montana, appear to have more significant DUI problems.

We’ve compiled a few state-specific statistics that show sobering facts about drunk driving across the nation in the free infographic below. The best way to prevent drunk driving is by raising awareness and educating the public. Click the link to add this infographic to your site.

Top States With Most DUIs

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